
Friday, August 8, 2014


Gloria Phifer

      There is so much happening in the world at this time. I pray every night for our our country and the countries in peril right now.
     "Jacobs Trouble" kept coming to my mind. In Jeremiah 30:7 Vs. 3 God is telling Jeremiah that these things will happen in the latter days when God has returned Israel to their land. In 1948 Israel became a nation after being dispersed around the world in 70AD.
After 2,000 yrs there was once again "Israel". I looked up Israel in Hebrew it means "God Prevails."
      Jacob was the father of the 12 tribes of Israel. Jacob's name was changed by God to Israel.

      In Jeremiah 30:7 There is coming a time in the latter days called "Jacobs trouble." It will be a time of fear and trembling, terror. Men and women alike will be in travail...their faces pale for the things happening on the earth. (I believe this will be the great tribulation.)
        vs.11  God will be with Israel. He will make a full and complete end of all nations where God had scattered His people. (Remember, now He has returned them to their land.)  vs. 16 All who have devoured the Jewish people God will devour them as they devoured Israel.

         The last verses of this chapter shows God blessing Israel and their descendants. 

        At the time of this writing, Hamas has been attacking Israel with rockets and hidden tunnels. Israel has been destroying the area where the rockets are coming from (The Hamas has sent them from schools, private homes...etc. hiding behind the Palestinian people.)
Israel is destroying the tunnels. The concrete had been given to the Palestinians to rebuild their homes but Hamas has used it for tunnels into Israel so they could attack, kill and kidnap. Their agenda is to destroy Israel.

         Israel is isolated. One small country fighting terrorists. They are being criticized. What courage to stand alone against an enemy that is one mile away.   They are NOT ALONE...God is the God of Israel.  Israel-God prevails.

         Pray and bless Israel...those who bless them will be blessed those who curse them will be cursed.


Psalm 122:6 Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love you. 



Gloria Phifer

          I was not raised going to church. I did have a small white Bible. A few times, I tried to read it but I didn't know where to begin.  One afternoon, when I was 14 yrs old, a friend and I decided to figure out the book of Revelation.  It is comical when I thing about it now: some of the ideas we came up with.  But, one thing that stands out to me was...we were looking for God. (I don't suggest beginning with Revelation.)

       When I was 18 yrs old I worked with a Jewish lady. She made fun of the Virgin Birth.  In my room that night, I found my white Bible and searched for the Virgin Birth. I believed and I wanted to prove it to her. It is sad to say, but I didn't know where to find the scripture.

        At a time of family crises, when I was the only one at home, I searched my white Bible. I ended up with "judgement" and "demons".  Fear attacked me.  I realize now because I was searching for God  the enemy of my soul was afraid.

        At the age of 22 I fought alot of fear and depression. I was married and had a baby. A neighbor invited me to go to church.  I was told to read the Gospel of John.  As my daughter slept in the afternoon I opened the Book of John. I understood it!!! It was like water to my soul.  I saw Jesus!
I continued reading the New Testament...the Word became Alive to me. I understood it!!!

One night I prayed and asked Jesus to come into my life.

That was close to 49 years ago. (Now you know my age).  Everyday I am in the Word of God. It has become part of my life. "The Word God speaks and is alive and full of power, making it active, operative, energizing and effective...." Hebrews 4:12  Amplified Bible.

Maybe you are like I was. You desire to read the Bible but you don't know where to begin. I would suggest the Book of John. The Word will speak to you. It will become alive to you. The Bible will reveal Jesus Christ unto you.  He is The Way, The Truth and The Life.

God loves you...He cares about you. Jesus knocks on the door of your the door and invite Him into your life.  You will find a Savior, a Friend...all that you have been searching for...

Blessings to you.