
Friday, May 1, 2015


by Gloria Phifer

 Have you ever hesitated to go through a Door?  I have. As a 

 young teenager, The Lord began knocking at the door of my heart. I

knew that He was wanting a different life for me.  But, the familiar

was ...yes..familiar.

I had been praying. There were many things happening in

our family and I was afraid. 

I was 15 when The Lord gave me two scriptures ( and I was not a 

church going girl) "It is a straight and narrow way." And,you

must be born again. " I thought this over and basically dismissed

the thought. Because, I didn't know what it all meant. But, one 

thing I did was a life changer and I didn't trust that

life change. In fact, I really didn't know how to be "born again."

The Door was before me, but I was afraid to enter and not really

sure how to enter and what it would mean in my life.

I really didn't "trust." The authority figures in my life had hurt me

and  they cared only about their own life. My struggles were 

consequences of their decisions. But I was only collateral damage.

A youngster who was in a war zone. I felt no one cared. 

When I was 22, I was desperate...I had been through so much;

I knew I couldn't make it on my own. I tried reading the Bible

but I ended up with judgment and things I did not understand.

I was told to begin reading The Book of John. "I Understood It!!!"

I began talking to God. There was a Wide Door Of Salvation

that was open for me....His Name is Jesus Christ. 

I surrendered my life...I put my trust (which I know was a gift from

God) into this Wonderful Savior.

I found the most incredible Door. I found Someone Who cared.

I found Someone Who cared how I felt. Understood my hurts. 

Knew more about me then I knew myself. 

I had a lost childhood. And now I had Someone Who was 

A Mother and a Father to me.  I will never forget when

The Lord showed me that He had planned me from the beginning

of my life. (As a child I had been told I wasn't wanted and basically

 a burden when I was born.) NOW The Lord tells me He

planned me and wanted me. That He loved me so much He

suffered and died so I could belong to Him. That He loves me 

and thinks I am special. That 1st and foremost "I Am His Child!!!"

I live inside that Door now.  The Bible says in Colossians 3:3

"For you are dead , and your life is hid with Christ in God."

My old life has been replaced with the "Born again life".

I was not a mistake.  The Lord planned me and wanted me. 

I thank God for "The Door" Jesus Christ. He is the Door to 

abundant life....a life worth living for. Glory to His Name...


Maybe you wonder, what is life all about?  Perhaps no one has really loved and valued you.  I understand the pain and loneliness of that. Thinking your are not valuable.   You know, all of that

is  a lie.  The truth is "You are made in God's image."  He knows your name and can tell you how much hair is on your head.  He made
your DNA... Read Psalm 139 and you will see He was with you

in your womb.   Did you know he collects your tears.  His thoughts toward you are more than the sands of the sea.  He knows you and He calls

you by name.   The open  enter in by Jesus Christ...The One Who is the door and has opened the Door to salvation...a new life  In Christ. "Who ever calls on The Name of The Lord (Jesus)

will be saved.Acts 2:21. The Door is open...enter!!!



  1. Thank you so much for your honesty and transparency in this post! Sister in Christ, you are a beloved child of God.

    1. Thank you for your is so appreciated...God bless You.

  2. Praise God for His Spirit bringing scriptures to guide us when we are lost, for providing friends and His word to encourage and nourish us. Praise God for The Door to eternal life. I love your testimony and words. These stopped me in my tracks: "I found the most incredible Door. I found Someone Who cared.I found Someone Who cared how I felt. Understood my hurts. Knew more about me then I knew myself." Amen! Loved your post! Thanks for sharing. :)

  3. Thank you for your comment Karen...what a blessing. Yes, I found The Door...Christ...or really He pursued me until I came to Him. I found "life and peace."
    Blessings to Gloria
