
Monday, July 27, 2015


Gloria Phifer

I wonder with King David in Psalm 8:4 “What is man, that You are mindful of him? And the son of man that You visit him?”  Why are we so important to God our Creator?  That He would create us? A plan of redemption, had been put into place, before the Breathe of God was breathed into man…and he became a “living soul.”  That plan, the mystery that had been hidden, was now taking place…The Almighty God…God the Son would die for mankind. Why? Because of love. John 3:16 “God so loved the world that He gave His Only Begotten Son that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life.”….LOVE …LOVE FOR YOU AND ME….OH THE WONDER OF GOD!

Do you see your value?

Before we go into Gethsemane with Jesus…Let’s look at the “Divine Mystery of Christ.” Rom. 16:25-26 (Now we can understand what the prophets were saying.), 1 Cor. 2:4-8, (If the enemy had understood he would never have crucified the Lord of Glory.) 

Eph.1:6-12 (this mystery 
was to gather all things In Christ…Gentiles included.) Eph. 3:3-6. (The New Covenant now included you and me when we believe.)
 Eph. 3:9-11. (We who are In Christ are showing the manifold wisdom of God that was hidden from the foundation of the world). Col. 1:25-27 (Jesus Christ in you and me is the Hope of Glory.

 Notice the glory of this mystery had been hidden for ages and generations and is now manifest to His saints.) Col.2:2-3. (We are comforted by this knowledge. In Christ are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. We are In Christ.) Col.4:3 Paul prays for open doors to speak the mystery of Christ. 1 Tim.3:16. (A wonderful scripture. Jesus-God was manifest in the flesh…it tells the whole redemption story in one paragraph.)

I want us to understand how blessed we are that we can see and hear and understand. Matt. 13:16-17. The prophets desired to see what we see. Through the Holy Spirit we can see and understand the mystery of God.

I wanted to go into these scriptures before we enter the Mount of Olives with Jesus. Because it is so heart wrenching.  There is a tremendous battle taking place. All we have just read, about the mystery from the foundation of the world, depends on this struggle. We have seen what is at stake here. We know He could have called 12 legions of angels at this moment. Let us enter into Gethsemane with our Lord. 

It is the evening. On the Jewish calendar a day begins at 6 in the evening and ends the following evening at 6.  Jesus and his disciples (except Judas) have left the upper room. They are crossing the Kidron Valley to the Mount of Olives. 

 This is the night of the betrayal.  Jesus knows He has come into this world for this purpose…He knows what lays ahead for Him. John 12:27-36. (He said this 6 days before Passover.) The night after the last supper…He spoke these words: John 17:1 “These words spoke Jesus and lifted up His eyes to Heaven and said, Father, the hour has come; glorify Thy Son, that Thy Son may glorify Thee.” John 17:1-26. He prayed for His followers and that included you and me. Vs. 20.

When you realize Jesus prayed for you on this night what are your thoughts?

What are your thoughts about this portion of scripture?

They enter the garden…it is full of ancient Olive Trees.  Here the olives were crushed to make olive oil…it is called Gethsemane. “OLIVE PRESS.” Great pressure was put on the olives to crush them…and out of them came the olive oil.

 Perhaps the moon was shining, casting shadows. But it was a “dark” night for our Savior. It was a time of aloneness. It was time to face what He had been born for. He had been manifest for this time…the end was near.

 1 John 3:5-8 (He was manifested to take away our sin and to destroy the works of the devil.)  Manifest in Greek is “phaneroo”. “To render apparent. Literally or figuratively: “Appear.” Show self. To make manifest or visible or known what has been hidden or unknown, to manifest, whether by words, or deeds, or in any other way. (The Word was made flesh and dwelt among us. John 1.) Make actual and visible, realized. To become known. To be plainly recognized, thoroughly understood. Who and what One is.”

Jesus is under untold pressure.  Matt.26:36-44. Jesus takes three of his disciples with Him. Peter, James and John. He asks them to watch with Him for one hour. (I believe He knew how long He had.) He is so sorrowful…even unto death. Luke 22:39-46. He is sweating blood.

What is Jesus praying?  What are your thoughts and feelings?

When I see that God the Father sent an angel to strengthen 

Him…it reminds me that this was the “Hour” and all the 

universe is sorrowing for the suffering of the Son of God. I am 

sure all the angels are standing at attention, in ranks, ready 

for His call. Matt. 26:53-54. He knew He could pray to His 

Father and He would “presently” (at that moment) give Jesus 

12 legions of angels. (Jesus is the Lord of Hosts. He is The Commander of Heavens armies.)

   Why didn’t He do it?  What did He want more than having the cup removed? 

            Anguish in Greek “agonia” “A struggle for victory. A gymnastic exercise, wrestling. Of severe mental struggles and emotions, agony, anguish.”  Greek for blood is “haima” “the juice of grapes or especially the atoning blood of Christ.”

 Your thoughts?

 Hebrews12:1-4. Vs. 4 you have not resisted unto blood striving against sin.  In the garden, the struggle, the resisting took place. It was so strong that Jesus resisted unto the shedding of His blood.   He knew the cup He would be taking would mean, that He, the perfect, sinless Son of Man, would take on the sin of the world. We do not even have a concept what this battle and struggle was like. Only Jesus and God the Father and God the Holy Spirit know what God the Son endured. 

There are three “gardens.” The first garden was Eden…where man sinned. Now we are in the Garden with Jesus…Gethsemane the olive press. Thank God for another garden…a garden where there will be a Resurrection.

            Matt. 26:43-56. Luke 22:45-54. Jesus healed a man before they took Him. 

            John 18:1-12. Vs. 5…the original Greek is “I AM!” Look what happened when He said Who He Is. The Great I Am. Ex. 3:13-14 “I AM THAT I AM!” What power, “dunamis”, Jesus had. He is the Great I Am. He could have used His power. But He allowed Himself to be taken by mankind.  To me this is incredible that the Great I AM would allow Himself to be taken. He had yielded to His Father’s will and had taken the cup. The victory was won in the garden.

(Notice John 18:12 These men who took Him were not Romans…they were the band, the captain and officers of the Jews.)


Monday, May 11, 2015


Gloria Phifer

John 14:6 “I Am THE WAY, THE TRUTH, AND THE LIFE; no one comes to the Father but by Me.

            The Jewish day begins at 6pm and goes until the following 6pm. For example, our Friday night at 6PM begins their Sabbath until the following (our Saturday) 6PM and then Sabbath is over.

Passover began at 6pm and continued until the following day at 6PM. All that will happen to Jesus is within these hours. He will die on Passover at 3pm and He will be put into the tomb before 6pm when the Sabbath begins.

            The Passover meal is over. Judas has gone out into the night to betray Jesus Christ…The Son of God. Peter has just been told, by Jesus, that he will deny Jesus three times before the cock crows. (The cock will crow in early morning.)  The hour is getting late. Jesus knows what lies ahead for Him. His next stop will be Gethsemane… (The Olive Press) where He will be pressured without measure. This is the darkest night in the history of mankind. Our salvation depends on what Jesus is about to go through (allow Himself to go through). 

            Jesus takes this time to comfort and give them Truth. John 14.

            His first words are “Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me. Why are their hearts troubled at this time?  At this time of darkness, how can He say this to them?  When our hearts are troubled, how does it help to believe in Jesus and The Father?

            Much will be happening but He is telling them, ahead of time, to believe.

Vs. 2 In His Father’s house are many mansions…He goes to prepare a place for them (for us).  

How interesting that in His Father’s house are many mansions…house in Greek means…”An inhabited edifice…a dwelling. Mansions in Greek “mone” “A staying, residence, abode, dwelling, mansion. To make one’s abode. Metaphore: Of the God, The Holy Spirit indwelling believers. To stay, remain, abide, thine own, to wait for, await one.” How does this speak to you?

            To be able to remain forever with our God The Father. The fact that He is waiting for us to come to Him…to live with Him. I love the “foreverness” of it. Ps 23:5-6. He is preparing a table for us. We will dwell (abide) in the House of The Lord forever!!! 

            (In those days there was a law of hospitality. If you were running from an enemy, you could enter the tent of someone and you came under their cover (authority, protection). The enemy could not touch you. He could only watch as your host anointed your head in greeting, and fed and poured your cup until it ran over.)  We are under the protection of God our Father.

He has anointed us and taken care of us, right in front of our enemy

             Jesus, Himself, is going to prepare a place for us. And He will come again to take us to be with Him. Prepare in Greek means “To make ready, provide, to make the necessary preparations, get everything ready. Drawn from the oriental custom of sending on before kings, on their journeys, persons to level the roads and make them passable.” Thoughts?

 1 Corinthians 2:9. Isaiah 64:4. We spoke last week about the marriage customs. After paying a price for his bride…and offering her wine, the groom would go to his Father’s house to prepare a place for her. When all things were ready…The groom would come for His bride and take her to His Father’s house for a wedding celebration that would last 7 days. She would live in His Father’s house.

This really touched my heart. We are so special to Him. He is preparing for us. And His preparing for us begins with Christ’s suffering and the cross.

John 14:4-6.  Thomas does not know where Jesus is going…he doesn’t know the way.

Here we see one of Jesus’s “I AM’S” I AM THE WAY, THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE.” What are your thoughts when Jesus says He is The Only Way to The Father?

Vs. 7-12. What is Jesus answer when Philip wants to see the Father?  Wow!!! He that has seen Me has seen The Father!!!  Thoughts?  John 17:11. Jesus is in The Father and The Father is in Him…they are One!!! Jesus is God!!! Hebrews 1:8. God the Father calls The Son…God! Let’s look at Isaiah 9:9…The Everlasting Father!!!.

John 14:13-15 He is saying that we can ask in His Name. We can use The authority of The Name of Jesus in our prayers.  Your reaction to this wonderful privilege? What will we do if we love Jesus? What is His commandment? John 13:34-35

            John 14:16-21. Vs. 16 what will Jesus pray to The Father? Another Comforter will come. 

The Comforter…The Spirit of Truth…The Holy Spirit. He will abide with us “FOREVER!!!”  I love this don’t you? The Holy Spirit will be with us forever. The Spirit of Truth…The Comforter we will know Him and He dwells with us and shall be in us!!! The Dunimas of God…the most powerful force in this universe lives within us when we believe in Jesus Christ.  

 What are your thoughts on this incredible truth? Romans 8:9-17. The Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead lives within us. Vs. 9 blows me away…”you are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if the Spirit of God dwells in you. He is The Spirit of Christ.”

Comforter in Greek is “Parakletos” “ An intercessor, consoler, advocate, comforter, summoned, called to one’s side, called to one’s aid, a Helper, Succorer, Aider, Assistant. Of the Holy Spirit destined to take the place of Christ with the apostles (after Christ’s ascension to the Father), to lead them to a deeper knowledge of gospel truth, and give them divine strength needed to enable them to undergo trials and persecutions on behalf of the Divine Kingdom.”

John 14:21 what will happen to the one who keeps Jesus commandments?  Manifest in Greek means “To exhibit or disclose, appear, declare plainly, inform, manifest, show, signify.

John 14:22—24. What are your thoughts that Jesus and His Father will make their abode with the one who loves Jesus and keeps His words?  Whose words are they? The Fathers.

 John 14:25-26. Jesus spoke these words to them while He was with them. What will The Comforter do? Notice, The Holy Spirit is sent in Jesus Name. He will teach us…and bring all things to our remembrance.   Have you been in a situation and The Holy Spirit has brought a scripture to your mind, or you understand something that clearly only The Holy Spirit could have shown you?

14:27. Jesus gives the “Gift of Peace…His peace. What are His instructions? Col. 3:15. “Let the peace that comes from Christ rule in your hearts. For as members of one body you called to live in peace. And always be thankful. “let” is always the word that gets me. 

Vs. 28-31.Where is Jesus going? Why did He tell them before it came to pass?

Who is the prince of this world? Why do you think Jesus will not talk much to them now because satan is coming? Notice, the enemy has nothing in Him. Thoughts?

Vs. 31 Thoughts on this verse? 

 . I thank The Lord for His Word. What a privilege that we can read Jesus last words to His disciples before He faces the cross. We will continue to read His words in  John Chapter 15 next week.